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Hand drawn by Lydia Smith


15% of each sticker bought will be donated the the Wild Sheep Foundation.


Desert Bighorn Sheep are smaller and lighter in color than the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep. These sheep are found on the desert slopes of the Peninsular Ranges, in the western-most portion of the Sonoran Desert. These animals are part of a geographically isolated population that ranges from the San Jacinto Mountains in Riverside, south to the U.S. – Mexico international border. Desert Bighorn sheep are highly adapted for desert climates and can go for extended periods without drinking. They are social animals and form herds that are usually 8–10 sheep. Herds as large as 20 sheep have been seen along the Colorado River through Grand Canyon.




There are only 20 of these stickers in our first Grand Slam Sticker run.

These stickers are 3.4" x 3.5" and come on glossy vinyl material. 

This material is strong, reliable, and versatile, perfect for indoor or outdoor use. Stickers made on our vinyl material will withstand any kind of weather, will hang on through the dishwasher, and are UV protected so they will stay shiny and vibrant for up to 4 years.


*NOTE - Stickers will arrive AFTER Christmas*

Desert Bighorn Sheep Sticker

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