Interested in attending a clinic by Lydia Smith? Take a look at what we have available for 2025 below!
If you're interested in one or more of these clinics, please email contact@ivorypeaksbrand.com with the clinic you'd like to join.
Hunting/Camping with horses
DATES: March 21st - March 23rd
Location: Wind River Ranch | Cost: TBT | Duration: 45-70 minutes
Hunting and/or camping with horses is a great way to spend time in the mountains. However, with horses, comes more responsibility. This is a great clinic to attend to build a good foundation on knowing how to care for horses while in the mountains. In this clinic she’ll teach the basics of equine safety, how to take care of stock in the mountains, whether it be just a day ride or an overnighter, simple packing, equine first aid, and more.
Women’s Only - Intro To Hunting
DATES: August 1st & August 2nd
Location: Montpelier, ID | Cost: $1,500
As someone who got into hunting by themself, I know how difficult it is to know where to start and everything you should know right off that bat. I learned much of what I know now from much trial and error. With this clinic I hope to spare you of precious time spent learning the hard way and share what knowledge I’ve gained from the 9 years I’ve been hunting with you, so you have a better & safer start to your hunting journey. We’ll go over safety, necessities, gear, overnight camping, solo hunting/camping, breaking down game, and more.
This is a 2 day clinic, accommodations & food will be provided.
Only 2 spots left! Register Below.
Starting an untouched horse/mustang
Location: TBT | Cost: $150-$300 | Duration: 4 sessions/2 days
Whether you are brand new to working with horses, need a refresher, or are a seasoned horse person looking to see from a different point of view, this is a great clinic to be a part of. During this clinic, you’ll see Lydia Smith work with a mustang fresh out of holding & still completely untouched. She’ll go through her methods of showing how she gains a mustang's trust and friendship. This will include first touches, analyzing the horse's personality and troubleshooting problems that might come with it, introducing the halter, teaching the horse how to accept all over touch, and more. This clinic will run for 2 days with 2 sessions a day. One 2-3 hour session in the morning & one 2-3 hour session in the evening. Cost is $150 per day.
This clinic is limited to 5 participants.
Preparing a horse for the saddle (No-buck method)
Location: TBT | Cost: $150 | Duration: 3-4 hours
Starting & breaking a horse is exciting and comes with great reward, but also great challenge. Especially if you’re new to it. In this clinic you’ll learn the steps in introducing a horse to a saddle and learn how to be respectful and patient with the horse. This method is not built on speed, but trust & willingness. I believe in not even giving the horse the idea that bucking is okay as it can bring more problems later down the road. Not only that, but I don’t believe the first saddling experience for a horse should be stressful and hectic. While it may be the quicker route to just throw on the saddle without any preparation and let the horse “buck it out”, it certainly isn’t the best route in maintaining a trusting relationship with your horse.
This clinic is limited to 5 participants.